Debug Information

Stack trace:

Unexpected General Error

We are extremely sorry, but an unexpected error has been raised in the viewing engine. This may be due many of subtle reasons, including but not limited to incorrect server settings, incompatible browser, server database error, or many more.

To help us to investigate the exception and correct it as soon as possible, we would like to ask you to send us the error report by clicking on the buttomn below. This would send us the description of the problem catched by the engine, the location in the source code where the error has occured and your viewing settings (e.g. which view was active, what forecasts you were looking at, what browser you have, etc.). No personal information is to us and it is impossible to identify you as a person from the error report.

After you send the error report, the engine will reload. If the problem persists you might want to try to completely reset your user settings as their incosistencies with the server data is the most likely cause of the problem. To do so click on the appropriate button. Please note that when you delete your settings, you will loose all custom views you have created.

Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your cooperation.


Neocekavana chyba



(C) ICS AS CR 2002-2015

Welcome at the site of the MEDARD project

Welcome at the pages of the MEDARD project. You will find here weather forecast for Europe and the Czech Republic. We also provide forecasts of concentrations of some pollutants, especially tropospheric ozone. The project has arisen in the Institute of Computer Science under support of the European Union (Project APPETISE), the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic. We have been supported by the Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Rep. and the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Rep.

The weather forecast is based on the numeric weather prediction model WRF of NCAR. For a detailed information see the Homepage of WRF. The forecasts of pollutant concentration is done with the help of the Chemistry transport model CAMx (ENVIRON Corp.). The emisson model is based on the emission processor SMOKE (US EPA).

Actual Forecasts

slp precip temp